Monday, October 13, 2008

thirty one

So I just wanted to give you a little heads up about being thirty-one for those of you who are not here yet. It doesn't sound that much older than the fabulous thirty I was already at--but beware. Suddenly forty looms so much closer. Wrinkles could magically show up and you know gray hair is soon to follow. I realize that I act about sixteen, and secretly I feel about twenty, but things are starting to sneak up on me that I don't really appreciate. Pregnancy pounds that won't go away are suddenly taking on more importance than before. Acne is suddenly realized as the most annoying thing ever since previously I thought it would magically disappear the day I was officially an adult...obviously this is not a correct assumption as I now have been married for ten years, have four children and a mortgage...pretty dang sure adulthood has been hanging around for a bit.

I'm getting laugh-lines around my eyes and those weird parenthesis around my mouth when I smile. The thought that I could very well be past the having babies stage fills me with elation...and a tiny itty bit of sorrow. (Mostly elation, but still, a little bit of sadness sneaks in.) I don't want to wax poetic here and drive everyone bonkers, but seriously, it just makes you think. Luckily, I have a husband that is a solid four years older than me (35!!) and that sounds waaayyyyy older than me. To be honest, I don't feel old at all...unless I have heartburn. Or migraines. Or my asthma is kicking in. Seriously. I'm young. Right?

You may think this won't happen to you...if that helps you sleep at night, then I wish you well. But just wait. That nasty little monster is going to sneak up on you sooner than later. One day, you wee little ones in your 20's, you too will find yourself on the cusp of old.

The evil laughter you hear in the distance? That's me...welcoming you to the club!


Mills Family said...

So funny, you old woman! I have you by 6 years. Just wait until after 35, then 40 is looming way too close for comfort. My gray hair came in way before the wrinkles. But, I do agree, pimples should be long gone by time you have gray hair and wrinkles, right? I just had the gray hair colored last week. I swore I would never do that. But, I was feeling a midlife crisis coming on. When I told you about running again, it was to get rid of that baby butt that is still hanging (ha,ha) around. I can't be old and still have baby fat! And I so still feel 20, too. Just not when I sit crossed legged for too long and can't get up or when I jump on the tramp and then feel like I am going to die.

9 of Us said...

You are hilarious! Yes, 31 was hard for me too. 32 last month wasn't that bad. I hear 40 is awesome, but I don't quite believe that one yet. Happy Birthday!

Heidi said...

Mani was right about the dry witty humor and Kelly's wife having it too. So, I have to say I have been noticing the lines between my eyebrows that are there when I squint. I must do that a lot. How worried should I be? Oh wait, I am 4 months younger than you. Ha ha ha! You are older than me! Isn't it funny how being older used to be the amazing thing?

jennywren said...

What are you saying, that being younger is the way to go? I don't think so. Experienced women are ALWAYS in more demand. :) Ha!