Monday, October 6, 2008

Creepy, crawly Spider

Ewww.....I brought the kids home from school today, and found a lovely black widow spider making a web near our doorway. You can't see the red marks from the picture--maybe I'm being dillusional (it happens) and it was a regular old spider--but I don't think so. Bryson agreed, it totally looked like a black widow. I tried to kill it with a shoe, but then it jumped (??) to the other side so fast it totally freaked me and the kids right out. Abandoning the idea for a minute, I called Heidi for moral support cuz I'm a chicken. Let's be honest here, I don't deal well with spiders. Better than my high school chum Rachelle (that girl would be in the next county before you could blink if she saw a spider), but they still completely creep me out. Of course I couldn't concentrate on anything else until the spider was gone....I kept imagining it crawling into my house while we were sleeping. Shudder.

Abby and I decided I should wear my boots (cuz they're tougher to bite through in case the spider decided to get vicious), and arm myself with the broom and bugspray (that is actually for wasps not spiders, but at least it might stun it was our thinking). The boys thought it'd be cool if I took a picture. SO, I went outside, armed, took a picture from about 5 feet away and used the fabulous zoom in feature to take a quick photo. I think she even smiled after the kids yelled "CHEESE" from the doorway (they thought it was cool but didn't want to be within striking range). Then I smashed her with a broom onto the step and smashed it with my shoe before she could escape.



Mills Family said...

The creepy beginning to the ghostbusters song goes great with that giant picture of a black widow. At first, I thought you were adding to the "spooky" effect of your blog. :)

Holly said...

That is SICKNING!!!

9 of Us said...

So creepy! Glad most of our spiders are frozen now. One of the perks to living in Alaska is that there are no black widows or rattlesnakes, just grizzly bears and giant moose! :)


Oh my heck a black widow? I am with you on spiders. I will call Ben from work and make him come home to kill a spider and I have to sit and watch it until he comes. I have a huge phobia with spiders.