Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A funny thing happened...

Oh, my children. They amuse me, they embarrass me, they drive me bananas. For some reason I've had some funny conversations with them lately and thought I'd jot a few of them down.

This summer Bryson has wanted us to get a tramp, a pool like Grandma & Grandpas, a cool air castle thingie that our friend Heidi has, or memberships to Lagoon, Classic waterslides, etc. Apparently this summer hasn't been top of the line in his eyes. So as he yet again asked me why we couldn't do anything fun, I yet again mentioned the things we have done so far. We've gone to see "Wall-E", we did fireworks at home, we went to the parade and carnival, we've swam in Grandpa's pool, we've had birthdays, park visits, etc. Bryson, with as much 7 year old attitude as he could muster, told me very disgusted-like, "We don't do anything. When I go back to school, and everyone tells what they did this summer, I get to say NOTHING. We did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!" Drama drama drama.

We've also been potty-training Garrett who has become very interested in his...private self area. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, and if not, take a wild stab in the dark (but not too wild or you might hurt yourself). Now, everytime we go to the potty, I get a constant questions on what his privates are doing, and how can they do that? and why does it just hang there? and how come when it's cold it doesn't just hang there? And why do we have poop? How come bathrooms in the stores are gross? what happens if I never go potty again? Bryson says when I get big I can stand up and go potty, when am I big enough? Am I big enough now? How come Abby is broken and has to sit on the potty and can't stand up like Bryson? Isn't she big enough? Are you big enough? Am I big enough now? If I eat crayons will my pee and poop change colors? How come it doesn't change colors when I eat an orange or grapes? Am I big enough NOW? On and on and on...and it doesn't matter if we are home, at friend's house, church or in public restrooms at the store--the questions never stop! So, being a mom, I totally make up answers to all his questions. That is totally going to bite me in the butt someday, but I figure, then his therapist can deal with it. :)

Then there's our Abby-girl. We went on a little road trip recently to visit my friend Mary Ann in her new house in Idaho. While we were there, Abby made the comment that "Mary Ann's new house looks like her old house...except upside down." I'm sure she meant the floorplan was reversed, but it was cute. Most of her funny conversations aren't actually with me, but ones that she has with either Garrett or baby Megan. My favorite is when she explains to Megan how to play games on the computer in great detail. The amazing part is that Meg just stands there and watches, all intent, like in five minutes she's going to skooch Abby off the chair and take over on the computer. My silly girls.

I'd have something amazing about Megan right here, to totally brag on her genius-ness, which is really, above and beyond any other baby's genius, but I don't want to make the rest of you parents feel bad. Frankly, the only things she can say right now are "mamamamamamama", "dadadadadad", "ni-ni" (which means bedtime in Meg language), and sign "finished", "bye/hi" and "bed". But she says them all with such conviction, I'm just postive in her mind she's having entire conversations...


9 of Us said...

Garret's questions almost had me peeing my pants!! How cute are kids and the way their brains work. Give them all hugs and kisses from their Alaska cousins.

Penny said...

I'm so jealous you got to go visit Mary Ann! I laughed so hard when I was reading about Garret that Reese asked me if I was okay. . . Thanks for adding me to your email list, I love them. Especially the dirty underwear one. Sorry I don't have any to send you back, I'm fairly friendless when it comes to email.

Mills Family said...

I love this post. We have been potty training Carson now for a while and he has the "pee" thing down, but the "poop" thing is kicking me in the butt. (ha, ha) The boy thing is so different. I love Garrett's comments. At Lagoon a week or so ago, Jeff and Carson were waiting for the girls and I to go on the bat. Carson looked at the lady next to them and patted Jeff on the private part and patted his own private part and said, "me and my dad have winkies". (that is what the girls named it, because they couldn't stop giggling if they called it by it's true name.) Jeff texted me the story while I was in line and I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.

Heidi said...

we so should have gotten together more this summer and played with my castle thingy. where did the summer or my grammer go?!