I actually do drop by your blog from time to time, and I'm glad to see that you do too! I think your blog was starting to feel... (whispering) abandoned. Ack!
I am a mom. I'd love to be supermom, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. I have a wonderful hubby, Travis, of 12 years, and four silly kids, Bryson, Abby, Garrett & Megan. We love to watch movies, play outside and drive each other crazy.
My kids like to do funny things and embarass me in all sorts of situations. I plan to exploit these experiences on my blog as much as possible.
..........sorry, I had to pick myself up off the floor. I seem to have fallen off my chair.
Glad to hear you are alive, now post something to entertain me!! :)
I actually do drop by your blog from time to time, and I'm glad to see that you do too! I think your blog was starting to feel... (whispering) abandoned. Ack!
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