Friday, June 27, 2008

All right already!

Blah, blah, blah, I haven't updated my blog for over a month. So here ya go. I'm updating. Guess what? We've done absolutely nothing. Do you all feel better now? Other than potty training, which is kind of a party pooper if ya get what I'm saying, and the fact that I have all of my kids home for the summer, everything else is the same. We wake up, we eat. We watch cartoons and play on the computer, we eat. We take a nap (if I'm lucky), play outside, then eat again. Time for bed. Then I get to eat. Now you all know the boring life I lead. I hope you're happy, I now get to see my boring life in PRINT. sniff sniff....

Actually I've taken some pics just to show off my kids, and just realized my camera is still in the diaper bag which is in my sleeping Megan's room. So once again, you have to wait. HA! I'll see if I can squeeze blogging into my very busy schedule tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Jen, I'm so happy to hear that your day goes about like mine. Yes, post pictures of your cute kids!